Event Registration
July Creatives of Color Collaborative
07/16/2020 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM PT
BIPOC* professionals are invited to join OMPA Diversity Committee member Karina Lomelin Ripper for an open conversation on wins, challenges, new projects, and whatever else is on your mind. Come voice your needs so we can help you get the right resources.
ABOUT KARINA: Karina Lomelin Ripper is a first generation Mexican-American and an independent director and producer. You can check out her work at Fort Ripper (fortrippercom). She is also the co-chair of the Portland Film Fatales.
*NOTE: The virtual Creatives of Color Collaborative events are a safe, private space for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) to talk openly. While we appreciate allies, please respect this need.
Event Registration is closed.
ABOUT KARINA: Karina Lomelin Ripper is a first generation Mexican-American and an independent director and producer. You can check out her work at Fort Ripper (fortrippercom). She is also the co-chair of the Portland Film Fatales.
*NOTE: The virtual Creatives of Color Collaborative events are a safe, private space for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) to talk openly. While we appreciate allies, please respect this need.